Have you ever looked in the mirror and asked: Where has my life taken me? Have you ever thought; I'm not the father I pictured myself being when I was fifteen? Have you ever asked: What are my sons going to remember about me? Have you asked? Where has the time gone? These questions led to L&L Man Quest.


Hello, We are the White family, and we are on an adventure like no other! A home school journey across the United States; an epic adventure with parrels and praise. Our vision is to cross the United States four years, horseback; a true depiction of our interpretation of our pioneering fathers. Our pioneering Fathers were made of iron. Men cut from a cloth that is no more. Our pioneering fathers displayed a code of honor and chivalry, that we have on our list of becoming men. Lucus, 15 years, and Levi, 16 years, have embarked on a quest to endure all that comes their way. To endure all weather, freeze or burn. Ride and train their horses as they meet the world that they will be living in "head on" at 3-30 miles a day. They will meet all creeds and colors of men in this world furthering their right to be in it. They will manage all money, plan all travel and they will endure and overcome all consequences and struggles, they will gain work ethics, they will learn bartering skills and much much more. Dire moments overcome with grace and significant moments overcome with humble acceptance is on our man quest list Lord willing. This epic adventure is no sacrifice only a parent's duty, hopefully this the greatest gift we can give two of the world's best boys. The goal is everything will be easy after this, God's Country is the greatest most beautiful gift of all. Our motto: Live Don't Just Exist! We were all born and raised in NV, but our starting point was from Susanville, CA in 2022. 

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Trail to Date rough estimate..................Over 2500+ miles completed......... End point target: Atlantic Ocean, only 1000 miles to go!